I have not played the Expansion: Subnautica Below Zero, and I have only played Subnautica on PC in "Survival" Mode, so these tips and suggestions may or may not apply in other modes or other versions of the game.
I will not provide specific locations to find fragments, blueprints, etc., so don't waste time asking. When writing a tip or suggestion I may describe a generalized location where something may be found, but I will not post exact details or coordinates, etc.
Also, in case you're not aware: each time you start a new game the locations of items in the game world changes. For example a wreck found at a specific location will still be in the same location if you start a new game, but the items found there will be randomized. So if someone provides you coordinates and tells you that they picked up a specific item there, in your game it may or may not be the same item.
The tips and suggestions listed here are not listed in order of importance, but rather in the order I thought of them as I started writing this...I could go back and edit the whole thing and put them in order of importance, but what I think is most important may not be the one you think is important -- so I'll be leaving them as is: in random order.
1. When you begin a new game you're in a Biome called "Safe Shallows". If you build a base in this area, keep in mind the keyword: "Shallows"...later on in-game you will likely be building a submarine, and that vessel does not do well in shallow depths, so you may have a hard time getting it near your base. So my tip: do not go all-in building a huge base with many rooms and machines, etc. in the Safe Shallows -- because you will in all likelihood be building another base later in deeper water. Note: the submarine I refer to is the Cyclops, not the small submersible named Seamoth.
2. Rather than building lights which you craft, for the exterior of your base, plant the plants which give off light. Use an exterior growbed and plant Creepvine Seed Clusters...the seed clusters give off a good amount of light. Note: you must plant Creepvine Seed Clusters, and not Creepvine Samples...both will grow and initially the plant will look the same, but the plants grown from Creepvine Samples will NOT produce the Seed Clusters; and the Seed Clusters are the part that gives off light. Additionally, you'll use the Creepvine plant parts (both Seed Clusters and Samples) in crafting.
There are many other things you can plant in the grow beds which give off light, but I mention the Creepvines because it is something you'll see in the beginning of the game. Using bioluminescent flora for exterior lighting uses no power from your base, some can be used in crafting, and the crafted lights suck, in my opinion -- small amount of light which does not project very far from the source. Picture below shows examples of plants producing light.

3. Learn how to gather seeds or spores, etc. from flora -- many of the harvestable flora you will find give one version when you harvest it with your hand (l-click mouse), but a different version when you strike/slash with your survival knife equipped (r-click mouse). Some can only be harvested using one of the two ways.
Example: Mushrooms (there are several varieties) can be picked by hand, and you will get one mushroom--if you slash it with your knife rather than picking it you will get several mushroom spores which can be planted in a grow bed to provide multiple mushrooms.
When picking flora in grow beds remember to slash some for seeds/spores to replant.
4. Items which can be used "like a weapon" in-game, such as your survival knife (and other items you'll discover later) are designed for DEFENSIVE purposes. When you use your Survival Knife to slash a shark which is attacking you, it will swim away from you...which gives you opportunity to flee in the opposite direction.
Subnautica Developer Explains Why He Won't Add Guns To The Game
5. After you learn to craft Beacons, always carry a few with you -- even if you plan to only make a quick trip to get something there's always the chance you will see something that you need to investigate. By dropping a Beacon at or near the location, you can return later to loot the wreck, or investigate the caves or structures you found. There is NO IN-GAME MAP...and there are many, many locations you need to poke around in (it is the only way you will find blueprints to craft needed items), and if you rely on your memory only you will be missing out on a lot of the content.
Additionally, Beacons can help you find your way out of a cave system. Place one at entrance, then drop one at junctions as you go deeper/further into the caves...some have MANY sides passages and multiple levels, and without a map it's easy to become disorientated. Use the Beacons as 'breadcrumbs' to find your way out (you can pick them up on your way out and reuse them later).
6. When you die any ores or items you've picked up since the last time you saved the game will drop from your inventory at the spot where you died. If you can find the spot again you can retrieve those items. Your tools (Survival Knife, Flashlight, Scanner, etc.) will remain in your inventory when you die.
7. PAY ATTENTION TO REMAINING O2 -- swim to the surface to replenish O2 if you don't have a vehicle...learn how long it takes to swim up from depth, and allow a few extra seconds to spare...it's much better to surface 15 seconds earlier than to try to cut it too close and die and lose the items you'd harvested or mined.
When you are exploring caves, or wrecks, or anywhere with obstacles, stay aware of the exit path. It's easy to turn around amongst the wreckage and lose sight of the opening where you came in...as you explore look back the way you came; sometimes things look differently viewed from another direction. When you have 30-seconds to get out you don't want to panic and run into walls, debris, etc. -- it won't end well. 😓
8. When you are able to craft chairs or benches, do so -- sitting in a chair or on a bench while in your habitat/base stops the food & water use of your character; so if you want to read through some of the data downloads in your character's PDA park him in a chair...that way you don't use-up your food & water while you're reading or searching for information on the internet.
While seated your character will not use food or water from the health bars, but other things in-game will continue...so if you're waiting for plants to mature in grow beds, sit in a chair and wait, so you don't have to eat or drink while waiting.
Your 'Health' will replenish (you heal over time) when you're not seated...but when you're seated healing stops, just as the use of food/water stop.
9. To be continued (work in progress).
Good suggestions. I did not know about the sitting and the hunger and thirst will pause. Looking forward to more posts.
ReplyDeleteYou can put a chair in the Cyclops as well.
DeleteWhile seated you don't heal-over-time, as you do when standing.