
Monday, July 14, 2014

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Febreze in Swamp Cooler Update

My experiment with the Febreze in the swamp cooler may not have worked as well as hoped...

Febreze in the Swamp Cooler Water

I bought a refill bottle of FEBREZE Extra Strength Fabric Refresher, non-aerosol, today to try it in the swamp cooler.  The hope was I'd be able to put a small amount in the water in the bottom of the swamp cooler and it would continuously blow into the house when the cooler is running.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Done adjusting settings & options here

I've deleted a post or two, which were written and published to test changes I made while exploring some of the functions available on this Blog service. I think I have finished mucking about with the settings and layout.  Will leave it as it appears now, and begin using the blog, rather than wasting more time playing with the options, etc.

Now, what shall I "blog" about...?

Monday, June 23, 2014


Welcome to my newly created Blog. It is a work-in-progress currently, as I learn to use the various settings, layout options, etc. so bear with me if it changes a lot each time you visit. Thanks for visiting, and feel free to give any advice you may have regarding the layout -- if you think it should be rearranged differently let me know. What looks OK to me, may look confusing or disorganized to someone seeing it for the first point out any mistakes you see, or changes you think might make it better.

I'll make pages for various subjects, as soon as I learn how...

I will probably change layouts a bunch of times -- as well as change colors for text, background, etc., so it will probably look a lot different each time you visit, until I get tired of playing with it like a new toy.